Ignis Universia: Eternal Sisters Saga DX Download

  1. Ignis Universia: Eternal Sisters Saga Dx Download Rom
  2. Ignis Universia: Eternal Sisters Saga Dx Download Pc
  3. Ignis Universia: Eternal Sisters Saga Dx Download Torrent
  • Ignis Universia: Eternal Sisters Saga DX - Trailer videoIgnis Universia: Eternal Sisters Saga DX - Trailer Dai un'occhiata al nuovo trailer di Ignis Universia: Eternal Sisters Saga DX. Mostra 74 Pubblicato il 29 Nov 2020 alle 08.
  • A trailer for a short game with a long name. Mashes up JRPG battles with Visual Novel storytelling. Not entirely serious. Wishlist the game in Steam: https://st.

Prices, history graph and more for the Game 'Ignis Universia: Eternal Sisters Saga DX' (US region).



Because today nothing of note is happening anywhere in the world, we thought it would be awesome to share some news!

We heard it's all the rage nowadays to make this extended remakes of games just a year two ago, so we thought we'd be royally screwed if we didn't remake or remaster a special definitive edition of Ignis Universia! So raise your glasses (not you, Silvanna) for


While not an actual sequel many have been waiting for, it is a step towards that direction and more of an enhanced 1.5 ReMIX version. We'll be releasing it on Steam to see how it does and hopefully gather enough interest to enable us to make the actual sequel!

So, what's in the DX?

- A completely new side quest!
- Leveling and new character abilities!
- Polish and a lot of small fixes!

We'd be super happy if you'd go to the link below and wishlist the game! It will be free like the original, but wishlisting it still gives us much-needed visibility (yes, we ARE doing this for exposure!)

Ignis Universia: Eternal Sisters Saga Dx Download Rom

Is the DX version also coming to Itch.io?

Ignis universia: eternal sisters saga dx download rom

Ignis Universia: Eternal Sisters Saga Dx Download Pc


Ignis Universia: Eternal Sisters Saga Dx Download Torrent

Yes! But it will be a downloadable version and the WebGL game will remain as the Ludum Dare original.