Star Conflict: Fleet Strength - Loki Download Free

» Create your free Star Citizen account today and fly various ships for free for a limited time « Read our blog post for more information. Become a Star Citizen and get 5,000 free Credits. Roberts Space Industries has a nice offer for all gamers interested in Star Citizen: Become a citizen and get 5,000 free credits. Unconventional project of the Imperial design bureau. It combines all the possible advantages of imperial firepower as well as extra speed. And if we add the survival of the diffusion shield, the ship's turning into a formidable weapon of the Empire. The first models of this ship have been transferred to the Imperial Guard. The energy signature that was recorded by Vanguard, meanwhile, has not disappeared, but instead began to gain strength. Soon, scientists claim — the Signal is back! It’s significantly altered, distorted and weakened, but this is the Signal! The general public forms a mind image of the Precursors — an ancient civilization that lived before us. Star Conflict is a dynamic MMO action game that puts you at the helm of a space ship to fight in the star fleet’s massive battles! The galaxy is divided between the militant star empires and independent mercenary groups. In a remote corner of the galaxy – Sector 1337, the area of the dead – a world has been left behind.

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17 January 2017

Star Conflict: Fleet Strength - Loki download free. full

Cryptogram AAIM50-120625
From: Acting Head of ‘Ellydium Theta’ station Dr. Conrad Dimeni
Subject: RE: Project Evolution

Pilots! Happy New 4617! I am sure that in the New Year we can reach new, previously unseen heights in the study of Alien technologies and put them to humanity's service!

The war with Aliens was a serious test for humankind. We get very inconsistent and very scary messages from the metropolises. It seems that no state or organization could survive it without changes. Many worlds are completely destroyed. So far the information is extremely controversial, and requires verification.

But apparently, the world has plunged into chaos, and the past portal storm only aggravates the situation. Many systems are unavailable. Factions can't control their own territories. Even in the fringe sectors the least affected by the Alien invasion, we see a huge number of invaders. Their aims and objectives are unknown. We are also getting reports about significantly increased numbers of pirates, terrorists and simply desperate people. Now they can be encountered even close to the former hubs of civilization.

Engineers and employees of ‘Ellydium’ corporation and ‘Ellydium Theta’ station will continue to produce new ships and weapons that can resist Alien forces. ‘Thar'ga’ gunship is just the first ship in the new line of humanity's powerful fleet. Together we can win!

Head of ‘Ellydium Theta’ station Dr. Conrad Dimeni

UMC announces the official conclusion of festivities.

Xenochips removed from the game.
Xenocrystals are now available for completing Conrad Dimeni's contracts at the station ‘Ellydium Theta’.
Xenocrystals can now be purchased in container-bundles.
‘Cyber ?-Santa’, ‘Elite smuggler’ and ‘Xeno-container’ bundles are no longer available.
Ship components for Dart Gargoyle can be used for player trading in the future.
‘Klauss Inc.’ weapons will be withdrawn from pilots for data analysis and subsequent modifications.
Pirate baron's daily holiday tournaments have concluded. Now the tournaments are held only on Sundays.

Attention! ‘Sector Conquest’ time, changed for the holidays, has returned to the original. SecCon now takes place at 18-00 GMT.

This is Gage. Can you hear me, pilots? There's too much of this ‘Ellydium’ around. I've got too much work from their contractors, but not enough time to find men for the job. Here's the deal: prove that you work hard and I'm going to find something special for you. I can only say that it's going to be hard to assemble an ‘Ellydium’ ship without this. Deal?

Special task from Arthur Gage

  • Get 200 Alien composite panels by completing Gage's missions or purchasing bundles. Previously obtained composite panels do not count.
  • As a reward you will get 10 Alien fighter structure pieces.

Sending ships to war

Free corporation ‘Ellydium’ is ready to sign contracts with experienced pilots and war veterans! We need only the best! Prove that you are the pilot deserving an extended contract! The mission is simple — find the convoy at the location and escort it to our docks!

  • Starting with rank 5 players will receive Alien composite panels for sending ships to war.
  • If a rank 8 or 11 destroyer is used, the pilot receives an additional prize — more Alien composite panels.

Head of ‘Ellydium Theta’ station Dr. Conrad Dimeni and UMC launch special contracts for all mercenaries. Pilots, win at least 5 PvP battles as a part of a squad and get a special ‘Manufacturing pack’ containing rare components, and a low chance of containing components for Dart and Gargoyle ships.

Contracts are available for all pilots on ships of ranks 7 to 13.
Contracts are available at all fringe sector stations.
Contracts can be performed an unlimited number of times per day.
‘Manufacturing pack’ container is only available for completing UMC missions.

According to analysis of onboard computer logs from pilots who took part in holiday battles, we have made small changes in some parameters of combat ships. All changes are designed to make battles more balanced and interesting.


Star Conflict: Fleet Strength - Loki Download Free Pc

This ship now has rank 11.
Ship characteristics have not changed.


This ship now has rank 11.
Ship characteristics have not changed.


Hull strength has been increased.
Rotation speed has been increased.

Guard ships

Guard ships are designed to protect your team from enemy missiles, as well as improve allied ship defences.
Increased shield resistance.

Alligator-C, T-Rex Mk II, Inquisitor, Neuron Zealot, Tormentor S

Increased active module range bonus.

Analysis of onboard computer logs from pilots using ‘Ellydium’ corporation's weapons and modules gave engineers new data to help fine-tune some of the parameters. All changes should make use of weapons and modules in battles more balanced.

Alien Intuition

Now increases weapon damage.
Reduced active time.
SIgnificantly reduced target capture interference time.
Cooldown slightly reduced.

Crystal hunger

Ship death detection radius increased.
Active time significantly increased.

‘Thar'Ga'tok’ Launcher

Maximum projectile speed increased.
Initial projectile speed increased.
Projectile speed boost significantly increased.

Condensing crystals

Damage significantly increased.
Ship repairs significantly increased.

‘Thar'kth’ Cannon

Damage significantly increased.
Projectile boost significantly increased.

Weapons: Vacuum resonance laser

Unique weapon available only to Vigilant destroyer.
Slightly reduced main weapon damage and area damage.
Slightly reduced time to overheating.

Weapons: Thermoactive weapon

Unique weapon available only to Tyrant destroyer.
Increased projectile speed.

After the analysis of game statistics on holidays, it was decided to slightly change the time of battles and some other important settings for 1-5, 5-10 and 11-15 ranks.


The duration of the battle increased to 5 minutes, (1-5 ranks), 8 minutes (5-10 ranks), 10 minutes (11-15 ranks).
The number of points to win has been increased to 500 (1-5 ranks), 750 (5-10 ranks), 999 (11-15 ranks).

Combat Recon

The duration of the battle increased to 7 minutes (5-10 ranks), 9 minutes (11-15 ranks).
Captain respawn timer increased to 120 sec (1-5 ranks), 200 sec (5-10 ranks), 200 sec (11-15 ranks).


The duration of the battle increased to 7 minutes (5-10 ranks), 9 minutes (11-15 ranks).

Beacon Hunt

The duration of the battle increased to 7 minutes (5-10 ranks), 10 minutes (11-15 ranks).
The number of points to win has been increased to 100 (1-5 ranks), 140 (5-10 ranks), 200 (11-15 ranks).

Team battle and Survival


The duration of the battle increased to 4 minutes (1-5 ranks), 7 minutes (5-10 ranks), 9 minutes (11-15 ranks).

Some interface elements have been redesigned for improved clarity.

Debriefing screen

Pilot information moved to a separate tab.
Reworked battle debriefing effectiveness screen.

Adjusted mission conditions for obtaining ‘Thar'Ga’.
Missions for unlocking ‘Thar'Ga’ special modules have become more affordable and easy to complete.

Star Conflict: Fleet Strength - Loki Download Free Download

Spatial scanner can now locate components required for Ellydium ship assembly: composite panels and xenocrystals.

Fixed description of ‘Thar'Ga’ engine block.
Improved a number of texts and descriptions.
‘Thar'kth’ cannon moved to the right section of the Store / Warehouse.
Fixed a number of interface elements.
Fixed ‘Gargoyle’ not getting into dreadnought battles.
All weapon blueprints are now in the right section of the Store / Warehouse.
Fixed a pyro-emitter bug.

Star Conflict Team


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